
Bernardo的旅程 | 幹細胞治療見證

Bernardo 是來自巴西的 8 歲男孩,於 2024 年 4 月在我們的泰國合作機構之一接受了第一次幹細胞治療。 在他逗留期間,他的家人慷慨地接受了我們的邀請,分享他們令人難以置信的旅程。 他們討論了發現伯納多的病情後所面臨的困難、籌款活動以及對治療的希望和恐懼。 他們還談論了乾細胞治療過程以及他們在貝爾納多病情中看到的早期改善。 他們的故事展現了韌性和希望,激勵了其他處於類似情況的家庭。

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  1. Isabel Zwart, Andrew J. Hill, Faisal Al-Allaf et al. Umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells are neuroprotective and promote regeneration in a rat optic tract model. Experimental Neurology 216 (2009) 439–448.
  2. Annegret Dahlmann-Noon et al. Current approaches and future prospects for stem cell rescue and regeration of retina and optic nerve. can J Ophthalmol 2010;45:333-41.
  3. Naoko Koike Kiriyama et al. Human cord blood stem cells can differentiate into retinal nerve cells. Acta Neurobiol Exp 2007, 67;359-365.
  4. Rubens Camargo SiqueiraI; Júlio Cesar Voltarelli; André Marcio Vieira Messias; Rodrigo Jorge. Possible mechanisms of retinal function recovery with the use of cell therapy with bone marrow-derived stem cells.
  5. Tantai Zhao & Yunqin Li & Luosheng Tang et al. Protective effects of human umbilical cord blood stem cell intravitreal transplantation against optic nerve injury in rats. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol DOI 10.1007/s00417-011-1635-7.
  6. Yiming Huang & Volker Enzmann & Suzanne T. Ildstad. Stem Cell-Based Therapeutic Applications in Retinal Degenerative Diseases. Stem Cell Rev and RepDOI 10.1007/s12015-010-9192-8.
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  8. Paul S. Baker and Gary C. Brown. Stem-cell therapy in retinal disease. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 2009, 20:175–181.