
Davi,視神經萎縮和腦積水 | 幹細胞治療

Davi早產,在出生後的頭八個月內需要進行多次手術以避免嚴重的並發症。 結果,他的行動能力受損,需要放置胃管進食,他患上了腦積水,這影響了他的聽覺和視覺系統。

他的家人在網上搜索時發現了北科幹細胞治療方案,並在確定這是最適合他的選擇後聯繫了我們的團隊。 在 2022 年 11 月的首次訪問期間,他們與我們坐在一起,向我們講述了更多關於他們的故事。

其它視頻 腦癱


  1. Intravenous grafts recapitulate the neurorestoration afforded by intracerebrally delivered multipotent adult progenitor cells in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic rats
  2. Umbilical cord blood cells and brain stroke injury: bringing in fresh blood to address an old problem
  3. Marrow stromal cells migrate throughout forebrain and cerebellum, and they differentiate into astrocytes after injection into neonatal mouse brains
  4. Human cord blood transplantation in a neonatal rat model of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage: functional outcome related to neuroprotection in the striatum
  5. Li Huang, Che Zhang et al (2018). A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cell Infusion for Children With Cerebral Palsy. Cell Transplantation (2018) Vol. 27(2) 325-334
  6. Pinilla I, Martin Nieto J, Cuenca N. Stem Cell Potential Uses in Retinal Dystrophies. Arch Sic Esp Oftalmol 2007; 82: 127-128.
  7. Paul S. Baker and Gary C. Brown. Stem-cell therapy in retinal disease. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 2009, 20:175–181.
  8. Isabel Zwart, Andrew J. Hill, Faisal Al-Allaf et al. Umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells are neuroprotective and promote regeneration in a rat optic tract model. Experimental Neurology 216 (2009) 439–448.
  9. F. Ramirez, ET AL. Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy. Med Hypotheses RES 2006.3: 679-686.
  10. James E Carroll & Robert W Mays. Update on stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy. Expert Opin. Biol. Ther. (2011) 11.
  11. David T. Harris. Cord Blood Stem Cells: A Review of Potential Neurological Applications. Stem Cell Rev (2008) 4:269–274.